Urban Taskforce | Events

The Urban Taskforce holds regular events, ranging from industry luncheons and breakfasts, an annual dinner and awards night and the Property Person of the Year award. In addition there are exclusive member-only events including boardroom lunches, member briefings and workshops.

 Urban Taskforce events attract a high level group of property development industry representatives at chief executive, director and executive level.



Industry Breakfast web-V1

 Web 29 June banner



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DEA Principal Sponsor

PIA Industry CMYK editted for website

DEA 2017 Major Sponsors 

ifs logo rgb resize   Urbis Logo Black RGB- edit  Arab Bank logo editted


 Events Schedule: June – August 2017

  LOE 9

 *The above list will keep updating as per events scheduled in due course


For more information contact Nicola Baume on T: (02) 9238 3955 or by email on events@urbantaskforce.com.au

30 June Registration Form  16 June Registration Form 29 JUNE ACRI REGO FORM

 Skyscraper Summit Sydney Rego form




Images for UrbanGrowth NSW Major Projects Analysis Breakfast Forum 17.06.15 here.
Images for Who Lives in Apartments Breakfast Forum 18.03.15 here.
Images for Barangaroo Twilight Tour 03.03.15 here.




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