AMP Capital wins prestigious 2022 Development of the Year Award for their Quay Tower development

AMP Capital wins prestigious 2022 Development of the Year Award for their Quay Tower development


Urban Taskforce Australia’s Chief Executive, Tom Forrest, said this evening that the 2022 Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards demonstrate the amazing talent of the development sector with outstanding built form across every development sector celebrated.


Greenfield residential development, infill urban development, mixed use development, retail, commercial and industrial development, celebrating the highest quality design, sustainability, heritage to build on the history and culture of country across Australia, delivering new homes, jobs and tax revenue to drive our economy forward. This year’s awards included 5 category winners in Western Sydney as well as the stunning urban renewal redevelopment of Parliament Square in Hobart by Citta Property Group.


“The overall winner of Urban Taskforce Australia’s Development of the Year 2022 is the transformational redevelopment of two entire blocks of Sydney’s CBD by AMP Capital known as Quay Quarter


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