New university building great boost for Newcastle

20 March 2014

The release of details of the proposed building for the University of Newcastle on its city campus is good news for Newcastle, says the Urban Taskforce.


“The current plans for Newcastle allow for the establishment of a city campus for the University of Newcastle and the release of details of a $90 million building is turning the plan into reality,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “The images of the building designed by Lyons architects and EJA show a very creative and dynamic building that will be a great boost for Newcastle.”


“Lyons have designed another creative university building in Melbourne for RMIT that won last year’s Australian Construction Achievement Award. The Melbourne campus is also in a very urban location and it has contributed to the activation of surrounding areas. In the same way the Newcastle building by Lyons will contribute to the surrounding precinct.”


“With the sale of the port, the proposal for light rail, the new $94 million courthouse and the development of the GPT UrbanGrowth site, Newcastle is clearly on the move.”


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