New Airport- A jobs boost for Western Sydney

15 April 2014

The announcement that Badgerys Creek will be the new airport for Western Sydney is good news for jobs, says the Urban Taskforce.


“A new airport in Western Sydney will be the catalyst for new growth, new jobs and new infrastructure,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “The Abbott Government is to be congratulated for making the decision to proceed with a new airport after so many years of indecision.”


“Just as the Olympic Games became a boost for Sydney’s development so too the new airport be a game changer for the whole of Sydney but particularly for Western Sydney.”


“The Urban Taskforce encourages the Federal Government to move quickly and work with Local and State Government to ensure a new airport is built without additional delays. We feel that Sydney is looking for a boost in morale and the new airport with its impact on jobs and infrastructure can lift the city well above other cities in Australia.”


“Clearly the planning of Sydney’s metropolitan area will now need to factor the new airport into where jobs are located and how connecting infrastructure is planned.”


“Research is needed on how an airport can maximise jobs in the twenty first century. The concept of the Aerotropolis has been developed to reinforce the role of an airport as a jobs generator.


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