14 March 2014
The announcement by the NSW Government about the final zoning plan for the Epping Town Centre and the exhibition of the Carter Street proposals demonstrates the value of Urban Activation Precincts, says the Urban Taskforce.
“Discrete precincts around transport nodes are excellent areas to encourage new development as shown by the plans for Epping Town Centre and the Carter Street precinct,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “Both precincts propose heights up to 20 storeys which is needed to drive change.”
“ It is good to see that the final Epping plan has increased heights in some areas but there is still concern from some in the development industry that some sites will need more height to be economically viable. The test will be in the degree of market take up over the next few years.”
“It is also good to see that the Government is including significant improvements to the public domain, community infrastructure and major roadwork. With the North West Rail project passing through Epping it is important that this generates significant new development around the station.”
“ The Carter Street precinct in Lidcombe has an early proposal with heights up to 20 storeys on a few key sites. The plan seems to have a good mix of commercial uses along Parramatta Road and residential uses to the north. We are concerned that the maximum floor space ratio is only 2:1 and that there are only a few taller buildings up to 20 floors high. The example of the Rhodes peninsula demonstrates how a number of towers up to 24 storeys high can make the precinct much more interesting visually and provide more open space.”