26 May 2010
The NSW Government was released a study by GHD on the proposed new light rail extension from Lilyfield to Dulwich Hill. This study considers costs, demand, technical issues, possible stop locations, integration with other types of transport and economic factors.
If constructed, this light rail project will operate from the current light rail terminus at Lilyfield, along the disused freight rail corridor to Dulwich Hill. The cost of this part of the project is estimated to be around $100-$120 million.
Public submissions have been sought and are due by 7 June 2010.
Apparently, after this consultation period a report to confirm the final scope of work will be prepared. A project application and preliminary environment assessment is to be lodged with the NSW Department of Planning in early July.
We will be making a submission to the Government on the land issues surrounding this development. We have identified some major issues of concern. For instance, while light rail is seen as a key driver of urban renewal for Sydney’s inner west, little attention seems to be given to the need for better planning controls to encourage new higher density development in key locations. Sadly, we note that the Government’s study identifies possible locations for new stations and assumes that land uses are restricted to floorspace of between 0.5:1 and 1:1.
More detail is available here.