JRPP review and changes

26 May 2010

The NSW Department of Planning has released a report on the operation of the joint regional planning panels (JRPPs). The Department is making changes to the JRPPs’ procedure.

The report suggests that some applications should be dealt with by councils. For example, development applications that have received no submissions may be given back to council officers for determination. Some types of designated development may also be handed back to councils and also development located in precincts where detailed planning controls have been established.

The report has identified a growing number of development applications currently within the system for six months or more. According to the report, where there is an on-going delay without reasonable explanation, councils may be requested, by the JRPP, to complete and submit its assessment. In exceptional cases, where the council is unwilling or unable to complete and submit a report after reasonable requests, the chairperson of the regional panel may request the council to provide all relevant documentation for an independent consultant to complete the report.

As an immediate result of this report some minor changes were made to the Major Development SEPP. Of greatest significance was that councils will be handed back the power to deal with:

  • modifications involving minimal environmental impact; and
  • modification by consent authorities of consents granted by the Court where the original development application was not determined by a JRPP.

The full SEPP changes are available here.

Further information on the Department’s JRPP report may be obtained from the following links.  The NSW Department of Planning Circular is available here. The Joint Regional Planning Panels Interim Review of Operation report is available here.