JRPP changes – update

15 June 2010

In the 26 May Member Alert we detailed a report from the NSW Department of Planning reviewing the operation of the joint regional planning panels (JRPPs) and immediate changes made to the Major Development SEPP.

Since then the Minister has written to councils proposing that the chairs of each JRPP will be given the power to delegate some applications to appropriate council staff. Applications that are “straightforward” applications that have received no submissions would be returned to council officers for determination. Designated development with a capital investment value of $5 million or less will be handed back to councils, provided the assessment report recommends approval. Development located in precincts where detailed planning controls have been established may also go back to councils. This proposal is contingent on councils agreeing that these matters will be dealt with by senior council staff and not a council committee.

Minister Kelly’s correspondence may be obtained from here.