18 August 2010
Sydney Water has circulated a draft Growth Servicing Plan for 2010-2015, setting out its plans for water, wastewater and recycled water infrastructure to service urban growth over the next five years.
The plan shows the servicing status of all major sites (with greater than 200 lots dwelling potential), and released greenfield areas over the next five years.
The Growth Servicing Plan is produced on an annual basis – this is the second such plan produced. The finalised plan is expected to be published in September.
The plan includes information on:
- the rate of new connections to its water and wastewater system for each local government area in its area of operations over the last five years (to June 2010);
- new additions to greenfield or major sites in the Metropolitan Development Program;
- new columns in the tables showing the previous year’s anticipated delivery timeframes;
- a decision-making framework showing how Sydney Water decides where and when to invest in servicing urban growth; and
- employment land data from the Department of Planning.
Sydney Water says it is accelerating lead-in services to some areas of North Kellyville, Edmondson Park and West Dapto. This work will be undertaken over the next two years and Sydney Water says it will bring forward approximately 5,500 lots available for development.
Comments on the draft plan are due to Sydney Water by 31 August 2010. Please let us know if there are any matters of industry concern that you think we should raise in a submission.
The draft plan is available here.