Draft Sydney-Canberra Corridor Strategy Released

The NSW Department of Planning has released the Draft Sydney-Canberra Corridor Strategy. The main purpose of this regional strategy is to “support and manage prosperity and growth while ensuring that the rural and environmental settings that characterise the region are not compromised.”


The strategy aims to:

  • provide up to 25 200 new homes for the 44 200 additional people expected to be living in the region by 2031;
  • increase the amount of housing within existing centres and the choice of housing for smaller households and an ageing population;
  • manage the environmental impact of settlement by focusing new urban development in identified growth areas such as Bowral, Goulburn and Queanbeyan;
  • ensure an adequate supply of land to support economic growth and provide for the projected 27,800 new jobs that will be needed, particularly in the areas of manufacturing, transport and logistics, business services, health, aged care and tourism; and
  • protect important primary industry resources, water resources, environmental diversity, scenery and heritage, which give the region its character and potential.

Once finalised, the strategy is intended to guide local planning in the six local government areas of Wingecarribee, Goulburn Mulwaree, Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley, Palerang and Queanbeyan.

Department of Planning Overview (html)


Draft Sydney-Canberra Corridor Regional Strategy (PDF file)


The draft regional stratgey and exhibition materials are currently being reviewed by the NSW Urban Taskforce to determine whether a submission will be made. If any members wish to contribute to this submission please contact Aaron Gadiel by Friday 23 November 2007 on 9238 3955 or by e-mail.


Alternatively, members can make a submission directly to the Department of Planning by Friday 7 December 2007 in one of the following ways:

The Department of Planning Information centre can be contacted on 1300 305 695      .