Are you for Growing NSW so that we remain Number One?

18 February 2015

To remain the Number One state in Australia the NSW community must support robust growth, says the Urban Taskforce.


“To assess the community’s attitude towards growth the Urban Taskforce has developed a 40 question survey that measures support for growth related actions,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “We have divided the survey into four areas that represent the need to PROMOTE GROWTH, DRIVE GROWTH, BALANCE GROWTH and SUPPORT GROWTH.

“All in the community, the development industry and those involved with government (including politicians) are encouraged to fill in the online survey to measure their support for growing NSW.”

“ Those who get over 80% are deemed to be pro-growth, over 50% are warm about growth, under 50% anti-growth and those who get under 30% should move to Victoria as NSW will go backwards with such a negative attitude towards growth.”

“The PROMOTING GROWTH section calls for all suburbs to take their fair share of growth, support for higher density housing as part of housing choice and support for towers around railway stations.”

“The DRIVING GROWTH section calls for the Greater Sydney Commission to drive housing and jobs supply, the establishment of a ‘one stop shop’ for State Government referrals and an increase in the use of code assessment.”

“The BALANCING GROWTH section calls for housing choice to be maximised to address affordability, more mixed use zoning and a stronger focus on planning for jobs.”

The SUPPORTING GROWTH section calls for Governments to plan for infrastructure, the recycling of Government assets and for a broader base for the collection of infrastructure contributions.”

“As NSW heads into an election it is a good time to look at attitudes towards growth in the state. While housing supply is improving there is a long way to go to address the projected growth patterns.”

“It is too easy for some community groups to not accept their role in planning for the future. Everyone must do their bit to ensure that future generations are able to live comfortably with access to amenities and work opportunities.”

“With NSW growing at more than 100,000 people a year planning is needed to accommodate them. Over the next 40 to 50 years (within one generation) Sydney will need to double the number of its existing homes. Clearly managing this growth is critical to maintaining the lifestyle of future generations.”

“We encourage as many people as possible to fill in the GROWING NSW survey which can be accessed at the following link:


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Survey Comments
Seonaid Presentation.