The announcement by the NSW Government that the draft plan for Wilton new town and Wilton South East are now on exhibition is good news for Sydney’s housing supply says the Urban Taskforce.
“Planning Minister Anthony Roberts announcement that the plans for major developments in the Wilton area are on exhibition will speed up the supply of new homes in Sydney,” says Urban Taskforce CEO Chris Johnson. “A number of Urban Taskforce members have large land holdings at Wilton and Wilton South East and they have been keen to get planning underway for some time. The government’s announcement will give these developers certainty about the future growth on these large sites.”
“The current plans do not provide much detail on the level of contributions that will be required to fund infrastructure. With the government’s previous announcement that caps on infrastructure contributions will be lifted there are concerns that local councils and the state government may require excessive contributions that will increase the cost of housing.”
“The draft plans indicate that flexibility in lot sizes will be incorporated to provide smaller lots, townhouses and low rise apartments. It is likely that apartment living will be part of the mix into the future even in greenfield areas.”
“The potential for 15,000 new jobs in the Wilton area is an important target to aim for to ensure home work travel times are minimised.”
“The Urban Taskforce is keen to work with the NSW Government to ensure that an appropriate balance is achieved between the funding of infrastructure and the affordability of new housing.”