Western Sydney Employment Lands growth must continue alongside infrastructure improvements

The release of data by the NSW Minister for Planning on the supply and take-up of employment land in Western Sydney shows good growth and this must continue while major infrastructure projects are developed, says the Urban Taskforce.

“Western Sydney needs a massive supply of new jobs and while the upward trend announced by the NSW Government is good news, it is important that growth is not affected by the infrastructure construction planned for Western Sydney,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “Key infrastructure projects such as the Badgerys Creek Airport and the M12 are absolutely essential for future growth however developments that deliver jobs must not be put on hold while the infrastructure is planned and delivered.”

“With Badgerys Creek Airport EIS underway and planning in progress for the WestConnex, the M12, Sydney Metro, and other key infrastructure there will be a solid decade of planning and construction of new infrastructure. This process must not slow down strategic planning or development applications for employment projects or new housing in the meantime.’’

“The State Government must take the lead in managing the short and long term impacts of major projects that the Federal Government is involved in to ensure that new development areas are able to proceed alongside the significant disruption that will come with massive infrastructure construction.”

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