Western Sydney should be declared a Special Economic Zone

The best way to activate the Western Sydney Priority Growth Area activated will be through a Special Economic Zone says the Urban Taskforce.

” Federal State and Local governments should come together with the property development industry and the community to fast track the development of homes, jobs and infrastructure in Western Sydney.” Says Urban Taskforce CEO Chris Johnson. “Western Sydney is Australia’s largest manufacturing, technology and engineering hub and has the potential to attract Australia’s next generation of ‘Smart Manufacturing Jobs’.”

“A Special Economic Zone should be established with favourable tax incentives and development controls to attract more jobs and investment in the area.”

” Projects within the Special Economic Zone should also have fast tracked development approvals across all level of Government.”

“Having a new International Airport built in the area will also put Western Sydney firmly on the jobs map and will attract multinational businesses looking for a new home”

“The NSW Government’s indication that a special infrastructure contribution levy will be introduced must be carefully calculated, in consultation with the property development industry, to ensure this does not onerous cost upon development that deters potential investors. Attracting the investment which drives jobs and employment to this area is essential.’’

“The Urban Taskforce supports the announcement of the Western Sydney Priority Growth Area but we believe a Special Economic Zone should be established to encourage significant investment. This will require leadership from the Federal Government through tax incentives and other economic levers that support investment.”

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