Growing cities and regions provide the engine room for the economy – creating jobs and investment benefiting everyone. We need to balance the economic benefits with initiatives that protect our environment and quality of life.
The Urban Taskforce is a non-profit organisation representing Australia’s most prominent property developers and equity financiers. We provide a forum for people involved in the development and planning of the urban environment to engage in constructive dialogue with both government and the community.
The activities of the Urban Taskforce are overseen by an Executive Committee elected by the Taskforce’s membership. The committee includes some of Australia’s leading property developers.
{tab=Mission Statement}
The Urban Taskforce’s mission is to promote:
- efficient planning and environment laws;
- quality urban design;
- increased economic activity; and
- improved quality of life in urban communities.
{tab=Aims of the Taskforce}
The aims of the Taskforce are:
- To work with all levels of government to create a fair, transparent and efficient planning system;
- To encourage dialogue between industry, the community and government on issues related to the urban environment;
- To promote high quality urban planning, design and development;
- To assist companies to respond to the changing needs of residents and communities;
- To promote certainty as essential elements of any planning and environmental laws;
- To respond constructively to discussion papers, legislation or policies which impact on the urban development industry and the urban environment;
- To encourage all three levels of Government to work more co-operatively together to achieve better urban outcomes;
- To encourage the provision of infrastructure that improves urban environments for the benefit of residents, workers and visitors;
- To develop and promote policies that encourage economic growth and increased employment in the urban development sector; and
- To encourage other policies and initiatives that enhances quality of life in urban communities.
{tab=Our History}
In 1999, the founding members of the Urban Taskforce saw that property developers and equity financiers had a unique perspective – contrasting with the views of dedicated asset managers and many property consultants.
Since then the Taskforce has been working hard at promoting policies that boost property development. Our efforts have helped both the property development industry as well as the wider community who enjoy the benefits of new property assets. We have been bipartisan in our efforts, and the past former premiers from both sides of politics have served as our patrons.
The Taskforce’s core membership is capped to 85 member organisations. It’s made up of Australia’s most prominent property developers and equity financiers. Our small, high quality, core membership is a deliberate decision. We want to remain focused on the issues raised by key players in Australian property development.
Service providers to the industry may become associate members and enjoy ‘preferred’ status. Our members include key builders, architects, urban planners, economists and lawyers involved in the planning and development industry.