Sydney infill sites need special attention

30 January 2012

The Urban Taskforce congratulates the NSW government for setting up a special committee to encourage development in greenfield areas.  A lot of effort has been wasted in zoning land in the past. This has been in the ownership of hundreds of different owners who do not see the value of developing their land, so no change has occurred. The government has now taken a much more sensible approach and asked the larger land owners to submit proposals to the government so that real development can occur.


 “Calling for proposals is a far more effective way of re-energising housing supply in NSW.” Urban Taskforce CEO Chris Johnson said. “Sydney is only achieving half of its housing start targets a year and is around half the production of Melbourne and Brisbane on a per capita basis.”



 “Real action is required and the government has clearly been listening to the industry, including the Urban Taskforce, to enable supply to be lifted”.




 “Of the 43 sites in the government list of landowner Nominated Sites, only 2 small sites are urban infill sites.



 “While supporting the positive moves for Greenfield sites the Urban Taskforce believes a similar leadership role is required for the even harder supply problem of urban infill sites.



 “The government needs to find ways to encourage more housing supply for apartments in the urban areas of metropolitan Sydney.” Chris Johnson said



”The Sydney community according to a survey by the Productivity Commission is more against change and density than any other city in Australia and this is influencing the approval process. Without new housing we won’t be able to house our increasing population and Melbourne and Brisbane will be the beneficiaries.



 “The government could call for expressions of interest for infill sites and then set up a special approval approach.




 “The establishment of a strong Urban Renewal Authority based around Landcom with its new leadership from John Brogden is needed now.” Mr Johnson said.



The Urban Taskforce is a property development industry group, representing Australia’s most prominent property developers and equity financiers.   



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