29 August 2013
The NSW Government proposals to change planning rules to allow smaller lot sizes, studios and townhouses in Growth Centres will help housing affordability in Sydney, says the Urban Taskforce.
Sydneys housing has a reputation of being among the most expensive in the world and it is essential that the cost of a new home is lowered, says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. The NSW Government proposal to reduce minimum lot sizes down to 225 square metres and even down to 125 square metres in certain locations will provide flexibility for the market to provide smaller and more affordable houses.
Good design can mean that smaller houses can work well for home owners particularly through open planning and careful design of furniture. The Dwelling Density Guide issued by the government demonstrates many examples of successful designs of smaller homes.
The package of documents demonstrates the positive outcomes that come from State Government leadership and the importance of getting consistency across a number of council areas.
The Urban Taskforce believes that housing affordability needs to be delivered across all areas where greenfield development is occurring rather than only being focussed in the Growth Centres. A broader State Environmental Planning Policy could support smaller lot sizes for all new greenfield housing areas across the state.
The planning rules need to continue to encourage innovation from the private sector in the provision of affordable housing and ensure fast approvals to further reduce costs.