Proposed planning improvements useful but much more is needed

21 November 2014

The proposed improvements to the NSW planning system that are aimed at simplifying the assessment of state significant projects is a move in the right direction, says the Urban Taskforce.


“Any reforms that simplify the NSW planning system are to be welcomed,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “To achieve faster assessment for state significant projects is an important reform, but far more is needed across the whole planning system.”

“The development industry was very supportive of the NSW Government’s proposed planning reforms that were not implemented but it is essential that planning reform is still pursued. While NSW is currently doing well in terms of dwelling approvals, this may not continue unless the planning system is made simpler.”

“The proposed initiatives that have been announced by the Minister for Planning that give a more focussed, whole of government approach to development assessment need to flow to large residential and retail projects. Particular initiatives such as a coordination role for the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the establishment of clear assessment timeframes will certainly help the development industry.”

We welcome the statements made by the Minister for Planning that “it is unreasonable for communities and industry to wait years for projects to be determined….” and “we expect councils to assess development applications without delay, so we (the government) should hold ourselves to the same standards”

“The Urban Taskforce encourages the NSW Government to continue with its reform process of the planning system to give continuing confidence to the development industry to continue investing in NSW infrastructure and residential & commercial buildings.”


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