Planning Proposal – Build-to-rent housing and co-living housing in Central Sydney – 14 May 2024

Limited density and uncertainty within Sydney’s strategic planning framework regarding BTR and co-living projects is a major concern as NSW faces the worsening housing crisis. BTR and co-living projects have the potential to provide a contribution towards the targets of the National Housing Accord, if the opportunity to allow feasible development is taken at the local level.

It is important that any incentivisation extended to housing supply proponents can be realised in the context of property development market dynamics and the broader environmental planning framework in NSW.

Common Spaces and Shared Facilities
The proposed amendment of Clause 6.4 would introduce a sub-clause to build-to-rent and co-living housing in the SP5 zone. It would restrict dwellings on levels 1 and 2 above the ground floor to “protect residential amenity”, while allowing for non-residential uses or

To read the full submission, click here.