The draft Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Strategy released today by UrbanGrowth NSW is a good example of how urban density can be planned in existing Sydney suburbs, says the Urban Taskforce.
“The Urban Taskforce is pleased to see that the draft Strategy includes realistic densities with buildings up to 25 storeys high,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “The combination of the eight precincts along with renewal along the whole length of Parramatta Road will significantly help with Sydney’s housing supply.”
“While the housing numbers have been reduced to 40,000 new dwellings there are a number of adjoining urban renewal areas at Camellia, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park that will boost dwelling numbers. The boom in residential and commercial development at Parramatta is giving confidence to the property market that new apartment development along Parramatta Road will be very viable.”
“The focus on mixed use zoning where jobs and housing can co-exist is a good move. It is also impressive that significant co-ordination has occurred with transport agencies. Of course, the provision of the West Connex is the driver for this renewal and we must take advantage of the opportunities that WestConnex provides by maximising development along Parramatta Road.”
“The allocation of $200 million to an Urban Improvement Program is a demonstration that the Government is serious about ensuring the amenity and quality of the public domain.”
“One concern we have is about how long it will be before statutory plans will be in place to allow the development industry to submit development applications. There are indications that the statutory planning controls may be introduced in the short term but this appears to be in the 2015 to 2021 time frame. We urge the State Government to use instruments such as the State Environmental Planning Policy – Urban Renewal to set in place legal planning instruments and development controls rather than waiting for each of the 9 councils along Parramatta Road to adopt changes to their local plans.”
“The recent example of the Hills Shire Council preparing a competing plan to that prepared by the State Government has led to significant confusion and demonstrates the need for strong state leadership.”
“We understand that design quality will be important in defining the character of these new precincts but we are concerned that the Urban Design Guidelines developed for Parramatta Road are too specific in defining the shape of all buildings. Consultation with the property industry should be undertaken to develop appropriate controls.”