NSW population growth requires support for urban housing

19 June 2014

The latest population statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics have NSW growing faster than over the last four years, says the Urban Taskforce.


“With record growth occurring to the population in NSW we need to ensure that our planning system is supporting the increasing numbers coming to the state,” says Urban Taskforce, CEO Chris Johnson. “While NSW growth over 2013 increased by 1.5% this is still behind Victoria’s 1.9% and Queensland’s 1.7%.”


“The recent initiatives in the State Budget have increased confidence in NSW and this is likely to lead to a continuing increase in those wanting to settle in the state. With 71,400 extra people coming from net overseas migration in 2013 out of a total increase of 110,000 people it is clear that migration is becoming the main contributor to the state’s growth.”


“While the recent NSW budget helped Greenfield housing with support for infrastructure the more complex infill housing will need more support as our population increases. A special focus on clustering new high density housing around transport nodes including railway stations and light rail routes will be needed. The proposed Greater Sydney Commission will need to champion growth in appropriate inner city locations.”


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