Local matters

13 October 2010

Last month the City of Sydney published its 562 page draft of a new supposedly simplified local environmental plan. That plan alone would be the most complicated planning regulation that any council had come up with.

But now, the city council has developed an even more complex additional 873 pages in its new draft development control plan. We’re interested in any member feedback or comments on this material. More detail is available here.

The rezoning of Harold Park paceway and former Rozelle tram depot moves one step closer. The site’s owner has agreed to the key terms which were recommended to Council for inclusion in a draft planning agreement. More detail is here.

Craig Norman’s employment as head of the Hunter Development Corporation has, reportedly, been terminated. More details are here.

The Huntlee New Town development proposal is currently on exhibition until 29 October 2010. We understand that if approved, this proposal will be the state’s largest housing development providing 7,000 new homes, a new town centre, commercial precinct and parklands across 900 hectares of land near Branxton, 60 kilometres north-west of Newcastle. The exhibited material may be accessed from here.

The Department of Planning has awarded a contract for a masterplanning project devised to inform planning decisions in the Schofields precinct. Further detail is available from here.

The Central Sydney Planning Committee will not be the approval authority for Thakral’s Wynyard development because the proposal is associated with railway infrastructure and exceed a capital investment value of $30 million. Instead Part 3A will apply. The Planning Minister’s media release is here. Further information on the project may be accessed from here.