Local matters

10 August 2011

Ashfield Council has received a presentation from Liberal Strathfield state MP Charles Casuscelli in support of an underground M4 East motorway. Mr Casuscelli is in favour of an underground M4 East motorway. He argues that the new $11 billion M4 extension plan for the construction of three tunnels stretching between Strathfield and Port Botany, as well as the Anzac and Gladesville Bridges, is the solution. Local media story is here.


The NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Brad Hazzard, has directed the Planning Assessment Commission not to consider a planning proposal for the rezoning of the Maccabi tennis courts in Wellington Street, Bondi.  The matter had been referred to Commission by the previous planning minister, Tony Kelly. The land owners sought to have the land rezoned to permit the tennis courts to be redeveloped for a community centre and medium density housing. While the Council did not support the proposal, Mr Kelly thought it appropriate to seek advice on the merits of the proposal and the legitimacy of Council’s rejection. Mr Hazzard says the decision on whether or not to proceed with the planning proposal is one for the council. Correspondence to the PAC on this matter may be accessed here.


Holroyd City Council is re-exhibiting their draft local environmental plan in response to public submissions and recent State Government policy changes. The revised draft Holroyd LEP is on public exhibition until 10 August 2011. Exhibition documentation is here. Please contact us if you have comments and/or concerns.

LWP Property Group will appeal the Land and Environment court decision to overturn the Huntlee New Town project’s state significant site status, which has derailed the rezoning and development of the land. Local media reports are here.

In a previous member alert (20 June 2011) we advised that Lane Cove and Willoughby councils were seeking a review the zoning of land in the Mowbray Road precinct. The Councils seem to be concerned with the application of an R4 high density zone in this area. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure have now announced that it will be “working with” Lane Cove Council to prepare a joint strategic review of the Mowbray Road precinct, which is bounded by Mowbray Road, Centennial Ave, Batten Reserve and Willandra Street. A map of the study area is here. Further information including the Government’s media release may be accessed from here.

In a previous member alert (12 July) we advised that the NSW Government had formally declared – additional land in the north west and south west growth centres – “released”. This allows a “development code” (precinct plan) to be prepared. The official declaration of the land release appeared in the Government Gazette on PDF page 6 of the 5 August, 2011 Government Gazette available from here.  The notice confirms that only part of the Catherine Fields precinct has been released.

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council is exhibiting a draft amendment to the general provisions of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Development Control Plan 2011 that proposes area specific provisions for the development of land within the Settlement City Precinct, located north of Warlters Street, Port Macquarie. A draft section 94 contributions plan is also being exhibited for local roads within this precinct. A contribution of $2,590.20 per dwelling and $215.85 per square metre of retail floor area has been suggested. The exhibition period closes on 29 August 2011. Copies of the plans may be accessed from here.

Shoalhaven City Council’s draft new local environmental plan is on public exhibition and the Council will accept comments until 14 October 2011. A dedicated website has been established which may be accessed from here.  Please contact us with any comments or concerns.

Yass Valley Council has placed a draft Built Form Study on exhibition and will receive comments until 22 August 2011. The Council says that this study has been prepared to determine built form development standards (minimum lot sizes for subdivision, building height and floor space ratios) for the town of Yass for inclusion in the new LEP. The study may be accessed from here.