12 July 2011
Ashfield Council will soon exhibit a development control plan that will make it almost impossible to locate a fast food premises with drive through facilities along major transport corridors. The Council report and yet to be exhibited DCP are here at page 45 of the Council meeting agenda.
Bombala Council is exhibiting a draft local environmental plan and a draft development control plan until 17 August. The draft plans may be accessed from here.
The City of Sydney has called for a cap of 300,000 square meters on office floor space at Barangaroo, “to match transport capacity”. The Council’s media release is here.
Local media reports concerns held by Southerland Shire Councillor George Capsis surrounding the approval process for the Cronulla Sharks redevelopment proposal which includes 700 new homes and a shopping centre. The paper claims that Mr Daniel, a Department of Planning officer and a former Sutherland Shire councillor , is “close to Liberal Party branches in the area”. A media report is here.
Hunters Hill Council is exhibiting a draft “section 94A” contributions plan until 27 July 2011. The maximum contribution rate for developments exceeding $200,000 is 1 per cent. The draft plan is here.
The NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure is inviting public comment on the Southern Link Road Network Strategic Transport Assessment for the Western Sydney Employment Area. The Strategic Transport Assessment details preferred route alignment options. The detail is here.
Land has been rezoned for the Glebe Affordable Housing Project. The general aim of this plan is to enable Housing NSW to redevelop the site to enable the existing 134 social housing units to be replaced with new and expanded social and affordable housing, complemented, and partly funded, by private housing and retail. The plan is here. The Council’s original planning proposal and maps can be accessed from here.
The NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure, has handed control over several development controls plans (DCPs) in the growth centres to local councils. This means councils are now free to amend DCPs for Oran Park, Turner Road, North Kellyville, Riverstone West, Alex Avenue Precinct, Riverstone Precinct and Marsden Park Industrial Precinct. The legal document giving effect to this change is here.
Parramatta City Centre LEP has been amended. As a result, car parking rates contained in the LEP are now maximums. This means that new higher density residential development be limited to one parking space for each home a new “shops” will be limited to one parking space for every 30 sqm of gross floor area. We actively campaigned against this proposal and were previously able to convince the Council to not proceed with a proposal to cap car parking in Parramatta. Unfortunately, when the matter was brought back before the Council as a result of a recession motion, Council’s original resolution was overturned. The amended clause of the LEP is “22C – Car parking” and can be accessed from here. The new provision will clearly make it very difficult for many new development proposals to be viable in Parramatta.
Pittwater Council and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure are undertaking a strategic review of undeveloped land in the Warriewood Valley. The review will examine height and density standards, infrastructure requirements and the possibility of a retail/commercial precinct. Further information on this matter can be accessed from here.
Wingecarribee Shire Council is re-exhibiting a draft “section 94” contributions plan for the Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor until 22 July 2011. A total contribution rate of $150,270 per hectare has been proposed. The draft plan is here.
Woollahra Council is exhibiting a draft “section 94A” contributions plan until 3 August 2011. This plan will introduce a contribution rate of 1 per cent for all development within the local government area. More detail is here.