Housing code discussion paper

21 July 2010

The NSW Minister for Planning, Tony Kelly, has released a discussion paper outlining proposed changes to the NSW Housing Code.

Proposed amendments to the Code include:

  • extending the existing code to lots at least 300 square metres in size (down from the current minimum size of 450 square metres) and a road frontage of at least 10 metres (down from 12 metres);
  • developing a new part of the code which specifically applies to small lots at least 200 square metres and a frontage of between 6-10 metres;
  • allowing minor external alterations such as enlarging windows and doors; and
  • requiring at least 30 per cent of small lots to remain undeveloped and limits on maximum floor area and height.

The proposed amendments will allow new dwelling houses, attic conversions, extensions,
basements, garages, carports and rear lane developments to be approved within 10 days by an accredited certifier, if they meet a strict design code.

Submissions in response to the discussion paper are due by 6 August, 2010. Please contact us if there are any matters you think we should raise in a submission.

A media release is here. The discussion paper itself is available from here.