Greenfield housing code should boost house supply

The introduction of the Greenfield Housing Code by the NSW Government should boost the supply of detached houses for Sydney says the Urban Taskforce.

“NSW has been lagging behind Victoria in the number of approvals for detached homes so a simplification of the planning processes for greenfield housing should boost supply of this housing type.” Says Urban Taskforce CEO “In February this year Victoria approved 3,353 detached houses compared to NSW approvals of 2,471.”

“It appears that Melbourne has a fifty, fifty split of houses to apartments compared to a thirty, seventy split in Sydney with apartments dominating. Clearly Sydney is becoming an apartment city at a fast rate but both housing types need to be encouraged.”

“The new code will give approvals in 20 days and it will by-pass the massive number of reports required for merit assessment.”

“Complying codes are a good way to speed up the planning process but they do require a house design to fit into defined envelopes that protect neighbour’s amenity.”

“The Urban Taskforce is keen to work with the Department of Planning and Environment to help boost the supply of homes in greenfield areas. There will need to be a continuous program of rezoning land and ensuring that this land is serviced at an early stage. We have arranged an Industry Lunch on 17 May with the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Planning responsible for greenfield land release and greenfield experts from Adelaide and Melbourne.”

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