The announcement by NSW Planning Minister, Anthony Roberts, of a new Greenfield Housing Code to speed up approvals is a good initiative that needs to be extended to mid-rise urban infill projects, says the Urban Taskforce.
“The Greenfield Housing Code, with its speedy 20 day approval-process, is good news to home buyers seeking two storey homes on greenfield sites,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “However, with 72% of housing completions in Sydney for apartments the housing code should be extended to apply to mid-rise apartment developments in urban infill sites.”
“Part of the Greenfield Housing Code approach is to green the urban environment with more trees providing a green canopy which cools the neighbourhood and provides shade and amenity. With many tree species growing to a height of 30 metres a similar green canopy could be applied to mid-rise apartment precincts.”
“A good example is the mid-rise apartments at Victoria Park in South Sydney where trees are planted in a drainage swale in the middle of the road to provide a shaded canopy across the street.”
“The NSW Government should establish a mid-rise apartment code with 20 day approvals for complying applications. The code should apply to apartment blocks below 25 metres in height, where extra fire requirements kick in. The code can provide set back and tree canopy requirements. The Governments Apartment Design Guide may need to be modified to support the proposed code.”
“The Urban Taskforce has produced a publication on mid-rise apartments with a simple 2 page code that covers the major requirements for complying development. The Urban Ideas publication can be accessed here:
The Urban Taskforce is keen to work with the NSW Government to increase housing supply and affordability through simplifying the planning system.