The Draft Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan includes a positive set of strategies to balance housing and jobs growth with infrastructure provision, says the Urban Taskforce.
“The recently released draft plan for metropolitan Newcastle sets out a strong framework for growth that improves on the Sydney Metropolitan Plan,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “Urban renewal corridors, new housing encouraged in strategic centres and support for mixed use catalyst areas give clearer directions than in the Sydney Metropolitan Plan.”
“The Newcastle plans supports housing diversity and choice but it does not propose extra levies for affordable housing which is another difference from the Sydney version.”
“The focus on the delivery of new housing in strategic centres, urban renewal corridors and priority release areas provides a good balanced approach for where new housing should be located. The ten catalyst areas identified give clear directions for mixed use precincts that balance jobs and dwellings.”
“The draft plan identifies 13 strategic centres across the metropolitan area that include 7 strategic centres in the city core. This polycentric structure is the way many cities are developing including Sydney and London.”
“Importantly the plan stresses the need to improve the connections between the strategic centres through public transport. A potential high speed rail corridor to Sydney is proposed which could lead to the linking of the urban areas north and south of Sydney through a modern fast transport route.”
“The draft plan acknowledges the collaborative governance required to deliver outcomes lead by the Hunter Development Corporation along with the councils and related government departments.”
“The Urban Taskforce supports the draft plan in principle and will be preparing a detailed response to the NSW Government.”
See below the Urban Renewal Corridor Plan (from Draft Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan):