Submission to the Greater Sydney Commission on the Draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and Draft Sydney District Plans

The Urban Taskforce congratulates the Greater Sydney Commission on the extensive work that has
gone into the 40-year plan for Sydney and the five 20-year district plans. It is vital that a city the
size of the Sydney metropolitan area has a clear plan to guide development into the future. It is
also vital that there is a link between the proposed locations for new housing and jobs and the
infrastructure that will support the new development. The NSW Government’s commitment to a
metro rail network across Sydney is the most critical enabler of where new growth should be
located and we fully support ensuring significant development does occur around stations along
these new rail corridors. We also support the concept of the three cities along with a hierarchy of
centres that defines Greater Sydney as a polycentric city. The 30-minute travel time to strategic
centres is also supported as is the game changing role of the Western Sydney airport at Badgerys

Read Full Submission.