The land release of 7,700 hectares south of Campbelltown will help provide for Sydney’s housing needs, says the Urban Taskforce.
“The release of land in the Greater Macarthur region for up to 35,000 new homes and their associated infrastructure will contribute to the need for a diverse range of housing types,” says the Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “While there has been a big swing to apartment living in urban parts of Sydney this must be offset with new housing on greenfield sites on Sydney’s fringe.”
“Even in greenfield sites like these at Menangle Park, Mount Gilead and Wilton Junction there is a move to smaller lots and the use of terrace houses and town houses. At Oran Park near Campbelltown the town centre has apartment buildings planned to give a diversity of housing stock. The Greater Macarthur region is also likely to have a diverse range of housing types.”
“The Preliminary Strategy and Action Plan are excellent guides for how the region can develop over time.”
“A critical component of developing so many new homes in this area will be access to jobs. The Urban Taskforce believes the proposed new airport at Badgerys Creek must become a major jobs hub to serve the growing population in the South West of metropolitan Sydney.”
“While the full 35,000 houses will take some decades to be realised it is good to see that the Mount Gilead area is expected to begin the construction of new homes within the next two years.”