22 March 2008
Property developers have praised Premier Iemma for his willingness to consider a ban on political donations.
Weve consistently argued for a national blanket ban on political donations that does not single out any section of society for special treatment, Mr Gadiel.
We hope both the Federal Government and the state and federal oppositions also support the call by Premier Iemma.
A ban on political donations will, once and for all, remove any perception of favouritism in all areas of government decision-making, including tender processes, licensing, approvals and board appointments.
Political donations should be banned outright from everyone, including the mining and petroleum sectors, the timber industry, the gun lobby, environmental campaigners and other interest groups.
A total national ban would boost community confidence in the political system.
Political parties should be funded by their own members and a public funding formula tied to election results.
Integrity in the planning system is important.
However, any reforms should not just be limited to the planning system, but should also apply in all areas of government decision-making, including tenders, licensing and board and judicial appointments.
The Premier should be congratulated for taking a strong position on this critical issue.
The Urban Taskforce is a property development industry group, representing Australias most prominent property developers and equity financiers.
The NSW development industrys annual turnover is $35 billion and employs 180,000 people, accounting for six percent of the States total employment. It is the fifth largest contributor to the State economy.
Aaron Gadiel,
Chief Executive Officer,
Phone: 0417 477 904 or (02) 9238 3955