Urban Ideas – Creating Communities Conference

On Friday October 12, 2018 the Urban Taskforce organised the Creating Communities Conference to demonstrate urban renewal projects that created a sense of community by incorporating a range of community facilities along with parkland and landscaping. World trends were presented on projects in New York, London, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur as well as local Sydney projects. The timing of the conference was partly in response to the growing negative commentary on “over development” in Sydney that seems to have increased in the build up to the next state election due in March 2019. Many politicians and a number of Sydney newspapers are using the negative aspects of the changing built environment and the need for more infrastructure has driven a mood that is against new development. But large scale precinct wide projects like Central Park on Broadway are large enough to include the infrastructure with the development. The project has a large park, health facilities, child care, gymnasiums, swimming pools, shopping centres and a range of cafes and restaurants. On top of this Sydney’s biggest railway station, Central Railway, is a short walk away as are many bus routes and three universities. By developing well located sites with a mixture of uses a mini town is created within the overall city. The conference set out to explore the best examples of projects like Central Park.


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