
Award Winners 2004

Date:  27 October 2004
Venue :  Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney



At the Annual Dinner and Awards night of the Urban Taskforce in Sydney on 27th October 2004, Craig Knowles MP, NSW Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, presented the Urban Taskforces Development Excellence Award 2004 to DB RREEF Office Trust and Lend Lease for 30 The Bond, an environmentally sustainable office building.
2004 Annual Dinner & Awards Night Four
Seasons Hotel Sydney


Overall Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004

30 The Bond
DB RREEF Office Trust & Lend Lease

A $120 million commercial property comprising 19,800 sqm net lettable area in Millers Point, Sydney.

Min. Criag Knowles, presents to Michael
Brown & Rod Fohring for The 30 Bond

Designed by Lend Lease design with collaborating architects Peddle Thorp Walker, and project management and construction by Bovis Lend Lease.

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Residential Development


Cove Apartments, Sydney
Grocon International Pty Ltd



The Cove complex comprises 213 apartments in a 45 storey tower designed by Harry Seidler and Associates.

Grocon International Pty Ltd Cove Apartments
in Sydney CBD

The development also includes a 1700 sqm office building occupied by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, and a restored two level heritage building.

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Residential Development – Regional


Tea Gardens Grange Lifestyle Resort

Tea Gardens Grange Pty Ltd & Crighten Properties



A 15 hectare retirement village development in Tea Gardens which comprises 190 homes,

Tea Gardens Grange Pty Ltd & Crighten
Properties Tea Gardens Grange Resort

2 clubhouses, swimming pool, workshops and a communal vegetable garden for its residents plus a future aged care facility.

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Residential Development – Masterplanned Community


Breakfast Point
Rosecorp Pty Ltd


A masterplanned community of 1865 harbour front homes and apartments, a country club, village centre and 30 hectares of public and private open space.

Rosecorp Pty Ltd The Bpardwalk Newcastle

Commendation: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Residential Development


The Boardwalk, Newcastle
Stronach Property Developments Pty Ltd


A mixed use development comprising residential, commercial and retail uses in the Honeysuckle development precinct at Newcastle.

Stronach Developments Pty Ltd The
Boardwalk Newcastle

Designed by Crone Partners.

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Commercial Development


30 The Bond
DB RREEF Office Trust & Lend Lease


A $120 million commercial property comprising 19,800 sqm net lettable area in Millers Point, Sydney.

DB RREEF Office Trust & Lend Lease
30 The Bond

Designed by Lend Lease design with collaborating architects Peddle Thorp Walker, and project management and construction by Bovis Lend Lease.

Commendation: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Commercial Development


Space 207, St Leonards
Charter Hall Holdings Pty Ltd


An A grade commercial tower on Sydney’s north shore which provides commercial and retail space adjacent to St Leonards railways station.

Michael Winnem, Charter Hall Holdings
Space 207, St Leonards

Designed by Peddle Thorp Walker Architects

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Industrial Development


Laminex Facility, Greystanes
Macquarie Goodman Management


A purpose built industrial facility for Laminex.

Colin Rockliff, Masquarie Goodman Management Ltd. Laminex Facility

Designed in-house by MacQuarie Goodman Management Limited.

Commendation: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Industrial Development


Building A1 – former Ford Facility Lidcombe
Macquarie Goodman Management Limited


A purpose built industrial facility.

Macquarie Goodnman Management Ltd,
Building 1 Former Ford Facility

Designed in-house by Macquarie Goodman Management Limited.

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004 for Sustainable Development


CSIRO Energy Centre, Newcastle

The new home and showcase for the CSIROs energy research activities on the site of the former BHP waste site, now remediated and reborn as part of the Steel River Industrial estate.

CSIRO, CSIRO Energy Centre, Newcastle

Designed by Cox Richardson Architects

Winner: Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards 2004for Environmentally Sensitive Development

Hunter Economic Zone
HEZ Nominees Pty Ltd


One of the largest business estates in the Asia Pacific Region at 3,200 hectares, the Hunter Economic Zone is a 20 year environmentally sensitive development project which

HEZ Nominees Pty Ltd Hunter Economic Zone

includes the preservation of 70 percent of the site as bushland protecting local fauna and flora.

Judging Panel:

Chair – Mr Chris Johnson
NSW Government Architect
Councillor John McInerney
Deputy Lord Mayor, City of Sydney
Mr Robert Harley
Property Editor
Australian Financial Review
Mr Sam Haddad
Deputy Director General
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources
Mr John Ferrarin
WT Partnership (Aust) Pty Ltd
Mr David Tanevski
Managing Director, Kingsway Capital Group and Director, Urban Taskforce

These projects represent the pinnacle of achievement for the property industry in Australia.
For more information about the awards contact Urban Taskforce on (02) 9238 3955 
includes the preservation of 70 percent of the site as bushland protecting local fauna and flora.