Urban Taskforce CEO, Tom Forrest, today thanked Lucy Turnbull for her leadership of the Greater Sydney Commission since it was formed in 2015.
“Lucy Turnbull has led the development of Greater Sydney and has given practical effect to the three cities vision. There is now a comprehensive strategic planning framework – from the District Plans, to the Regional Plans to the Local Strategic Planning Statements for each LGA. This is an important legacy. Mr Forrest said.
“The Urban Taskforce did not always agree with Lucy – but her leadership was unquestioned and her willingness to front up and put the case of the Commission was respected and admired by our members. Thank you Lucy Turnbull”.
Mr Forrest also warmly welcomed the appointment of Geoff Roberts to the role of Chief Commissioner.
“Geoff Roberts has demonstrated himself to be a no-nonsense “can do” Commissioner. Urban Taskforce welcomes his appointment and looks forward to working closely with the GSC under his leadership.
“With the current economic downturn dominating the thinking of all in our community, the focus now must be on the post COVID 19 recovery. What can we do now to keep the economy going and maximise activity in the recovery period? We now have the strategic plans in place. It is time for an absolute focus on jobs, investment and economic recovery. If this means the strategic plans need to be flexibly applied, then so be it.
“Geoff Roberts has demonstrated that he is about delivering results for the growth of NSW. He is the right person to lead the GSC at this time”, Mr Forrest said.