Zoning changes will lead to more retail competition

14 March 2016

The recent changes to the NSW Standard Instrument zoning definitions to allow hardware and building supplies in the IN1 zone is very welcome and long overdue, says the Urban Taskforce.


“Retail stores are becoming more mixed and varied in the products they sell and zoning laws in planning systems must reflect the changing nature of retail,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “These changes should have been made a long time ago. Land use zones and definitions which are flexible and less restrictive encourage competition and efficiency among retailers which keep prices low for consumers.”

“While the changes to the zoning definitions are positive, the Urban Taskforce believes that more flexibility is needed to ensure there is sufficient appropriately zoned land to accommodate retail stores, particularly those with a large floor plate. Retailers must often pursue lengthy and complicated rezoning processes, which are costly and create significant delays.”

“Given the substantial contribution that retail sector provides to NSW Gross Domestic Product, we encourage the NSW Government to continue reforming the Standard Instrument LEP to accommodate innovative emerging retail and business models.”

“A vibrant retail sector provides economic growth and significant positive benefits to the community in terms of lower prices, increased consumer choice, investment and job creation in the retail industry.”

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