The introduction of donation laws in Victoria that cap donation amounts and do not ban any group are a good model for NSW, says the Urban Taskforce.
“The Victorian donation laws are very clear and cover individuals and particular industry groups in the same way,” says Urban Taskforce CEO, Chris Johnson. “Donations are capped at $4,000 over a four-year term with a disclosure limit of $1,000 a year. All donations will be disclosed and published online in real-time.”
“The NSW system says some people can donate and others can’t and this creates significant confusion along with the potential for definitional problems with relatives and friends. A simple system that everyone must conform to is far better for transparency and for monitoring.”
“Currently property developers are one of the few groups banned from making political donations and this leaves a negative impression about this group. It is far better to treat everyone equally with caps on the amounts that can be contributed and real-time disclosure online.”
“The Urban Taskforce urges the NSW Government to adopt a similar system and we also urge the opposition to support a simple real-time transparent donation monitoring process with a cap for all people donating.”
Download PDF Version: Victoria’s donation laws a good model for NSW