31 January 2014
The property industry through the Property Person of the Year function has raised over $1.8 million for charities over the last 11 years, says the Urban Taskforce.
“ Many people see developers as only being focussed on their own business but they are very significant contributors to charities and community causes,” says Chris Johnson, Urban Taskforce CEO. “ The Urban Taskforce has found that the development industry can be very generous in contributing funds and in kind help to needy charities.”
“ The function related to the Property Person of the Year raised over $60,000 as well as significant contributions in kind for Warrah Homes in Dural and for St Vincents Prostate Cancer Centre. This brings the total over 11 years to more than $1.8 million.”
“ Associate Professor Stricker from St Vincents Hospital has expressed his thanks for the funds raised each year to help with his very important research. Georgina Michalelis, the Director of Warrah Homes has also expressed her thanks to the industry for funds to help with their facilities and for contributions from various construction companies to repair buildings on their campus.”
“ A number of Urban Taskforce members have quietly organised labour to restructure substandard buildings and build new facilities at Warrah.”
“ It is often fashionable by some groups to position the development industry as being not concerned about the broader community. The funds raised through the Urban Taskforce and through the generosity of many of our members have been very significant. This demonstrates that the industry is concerned about helping less advantaged groups and in helping with medical research.”