22nd October 2013
“The new planning bill introduced into the NSW Parliament can set the platform to make NSW number one in the country and ensure future prosperity” says the Urban Taskforce.
“NSW must have a twenty first century modern planning act that uses the latest technology to help consumers get projects built to house our growing population.” says Urban Taskforce CEO Chris Johnson. “The most important feature is the incorporation of the “Code Assessable” method of determining development proposals that is so popular in Queensland. The use of codes gives certainty to all parties so that communities understand what the potential for development is while the development industry understands what the community is happy with.”
“The move to involve communities more in the strategic planning stages is welcomed and the Urban Taskforce has developed a tool that can help communities visualise varying types of density. This is available at www.ecodencity.com.au . There needs to be a robust debate within the community about where the next 2 million people expected in NSW over the next 20 years will live. We must all understand that our community has become much more diverse with many people preferring a more urban way of living in apartments while many others will prefer the suburban detached house model.”
“The Urban Taskforce is disappointed that the Code Assessable and Complying Code approaches have been cut back to acknowledge the concerns of some in the community. Complying codes are currently processing around 25% of applications in NSW and 88.4% of these are assessed through the state code. This represents 20,000 consumers of the planning system who are happy with a code based approach.”
“What many critics of the planning system misunderstand is that 75% of all applications are under the value of $290,000 and 93% are under $1 million. The NSW planning system is essentially to help mums and dads get their own house approved or for small businesses to renovate their office”
“The Urban Taskforce calls on all members of the NSW Parliament to support the Planning Bill 2013 so that the framework can be set for a modern planning system that is consumer friendly and forward looking to enable us to manage our inevitable growth.”