Metropolitan Development Program data released

27 April 2010

The NSW Department of Planning have released their latest Metropolitan Development Program (MDP) residential forecasts for 2008/09 to 2017/18. Traditionally, the MDP focused on land supply in greenfield areas. Today the MDP looks at land supply and dwelling production in established and greenfield areas.

Much is said about the”potential dwelling yield” stated in the MDP. The Government says that there is potential for 131,000 dwellings on the MDP and this is the highest level of land release since 1981. However, we know that the potential has little to do with reality.

The MDP says that dwelling production in the Sydney region is 14,795 at 2007/08. This is considerably less than peak production of 32,358 at 1999/2000.

Dwelling production split between existing urban and greenfield areas confirms our concerns. While Government policy aims to provide a 70/30 split between existing urban and greenfield, the MDP reveals that in 2007/08 84 per cent of dwelling production was provided as infill development.

More information on this matter, including the full MDP report and supporting information can be accessed from here.