With news that the Albanese Government has secured the support of the two Jacqui Lambie senators in relation to the Housing Affordability Future Fund Bill 2023, Urban Taskforce pleaded with the Greens Party to quit the politics and get behind good policy.
With a housing supply crisis that shows no sign of abating, it is critical that the Australian Parliament support legislation that will at least start the ball rolling when it came to greater Federal involvement in delivering more dwellings to accommodate our fast-growing nation.
The Greens must not allow the perfect (in their minds) to be the enemy of the good.
Australia is facing an unprecedented influx of immigrants and overseas students – 400,000 arrivals (net) this year – which the economy desperately needs. But this is adding further pressure of housing supply and rents.
The State Governments have all backed the legislation – with Housing Ministers sending a joint letter to senators urging them to back the Bill.
The Greens should not continue to use younger generations and those on the economic margins as political pawns in their housing games.
Click here to read the media release in full