Local matters

10 December 2010

Approval has been given to Frasers Broadway for the construction of 319 residential apartments and retail space at the former Carlton United Breweries site, now known as Central Park. The government’s media release is here.

The City of Sydney has placed an interim Trigeneration Master Plan on exhibition until 28 January 2011. Trigeneration is intended to supply the Sydney local government area with “green” electricity, heating and cooling. This plan suggests that the Sydney Development Control Plan be amended to specify basic plant room and connection requirements for any new construction. The plan says that such an amendment would ensure that buildings built today are easily able to plug into the “low carbon zone infrastructure” as it becomes available. More information is here.

The City of Sydney has been given approval from the Department of Planning to exhibit their draft comprehensive local environmental plan. Apparently the approval to exhibit requires amendments be made to the draft plan (including postponing a foreshadowed downzoning in two areas). In giving approval, the Department of Planning has also noted council’s approach of applying detailed planning controls on a lot-by-lot basis “is likely to prove inflexible, may restrict the mix of housing types that are provided in some locations and could make it more difficult for families to make reasonable and modest changes to their homes”.  The government’s media release is here. The Planning Minister, Tony Kelly, has also written to council requesting it commence a comprehensive review of its strategic planning, particularly to ensure the city retained an adequate supply of commercial floor space.

Lend Lease will partner the NSW Government and Gosford City Council in the redevelopment of the Gosford Landing after being selected as the preferred proponent. The government’s media release is here.

Ku-ring-gai Council is seeking comment on a draft amendment to the adopted Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010. Apparently the draft amendment provides for an adjustment to the boundaries of the catchment map for Lindfield – Killara to be consistent with the lands zoned for higher density in the gazetted local environmental plans. The draft amendment will be on exhibition until 24 December 2010. More information is here.

Murray Shire Council has its draft template compliant local environmental plan on exhibition. Submissions will be accepted until 17 December 2010. More information is here.

The NSW Department of Planning is exhibiting a draft precinct planning package for “Area 20” in the North West Growth Centre. A draft planning package is available here.

Orange City Council has a draft comprehensive local environmental plan on exhibition until 14 February 2011. Further information is available here.

Over 200 lots were sold in the first three months of operation of the new Oran Park Town. A government media release is here.

Land north of Raymond Terrace, in an area known as Kings Hill, has been rezoned to allow up to 4,500 new homes to be constructed over the next 25 years. The government’s media release is here. It is likely that the LEP will be available here shortly.

The NSW Planning Assessment Commission has approved a $197 million residential complex on part of the former Allied Feeds site at Rhodes, following an assessment undertaken by Canada Bay City Council. More detail is here.

LEDA Manorstead has been given concept approval for a major residential development within the Tweed Shire (Cobaki Estate). The government media release is here.