Local matters

09 April 2010

Canterbury City Council has released two draft strategy documents for public comment. These are a draft Economic Development and Employment Strategy and draft Town Centres Development Control Plan. The Town Centres DCP will apply to Belfield, Belmore, Campsie, Croydon Park, Earlwood, Hurlstone Park, Lakemba, Narwee, Punchbowl and Wiley Park town centres.

The Council has advised that some changes to the zoning of land in and around these town centres is proposed and this is also on exhibition. Council will accept submission on these plans until 19 April 2010. More information can be accessed from here.

Ballina Shire Council has placed its draft shire-wide local environmental plan (LEP) on public exhibition until 4 June 2010. More information on this matter can be obtained from the Council’s LEP website accessed from here.

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has a draft local environmental plan and draft development control plan on exhibition. The draft LEP will cover the entire local government area and the new DCP has also been prepared to seek consistency between the provisions of the proposed LEP. Council will accept comments on these plans until 19 April 2010. Further information can be found here.

Sutherland Shire Council is amending the Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2006. Apparently the purpose of this amendment is to update maps, car parking rules and setbacks . The draft plan was on public exhibition until 5 April 2010 and further information can be accessed from here.

The NSW Government has finalised new structure plans for the north west and south west growth centres by amending the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres). Changes are also made to the land use rules in Oran Park, Turner Road and North Kellyville. The changes arise from material exhibited in December 2009. The legal document making the changes is set out here.

The NSW Government has approved a request by Willoughby City Council for a 3 per cent levy, based project cost, to be imposed on development in Chatswood, in lieu of a flat section 94 contribution (see the letter to the Urban Taskforce here). The approval has been given based on the draft Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2009. A change will be required to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation to give effect to this decision, and a new section 94A plan will need to be finalised by the council – neither of these steps has yet happened. The percentage levy will reduce the cost of local council residential development levies from around $12,000-$15,000 an apartment to around $7,000-$9,000 an apartment. We’re interested in any comments from members about the implications of this change.

The Draft Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2009 is on exhibition and Council will accept comments until 20 May 2010. When adopted, the new plan will replace the LEP and Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 5 (Chatswood Town Centre). Council is also considering the introduction of a 3 percent developer contribution (see above item) and the application of an affordable housing policy for land being zoned for higher density residential purposes. A draft development control plan and other associated strategic planning documents are also on exhibition. Further information can be obtained from here.

Wingecarribee Shire Council is exhibiting a draft Section 94A Plan until 28 April 2010. If made, this plan will see the introduction of a 1 percent levy on development within the centres of Berrima, Bowral, Bundanoon, Mittagong, Moss Vale and Robertson. The Draft Plan and related material is available from here.