Local matters

18 August 2010

Ashfield Council is working on their comprehensive local environmental plan and has placed a draft Urban Planning Strategy on exhibition until 27 August 2010. This strategy will inform the local environmental planning process. More information can be accessed from here.

The NSW Department of Planning has awarded a $349,000 contract to Cardno for a Water Cycle Management (including flooding and ecology) study for Austral and Leppington North. Their work is scheduled to be completed by August 2011. More detail is available here.  A $208,000 contract has also been awarded to Philip Cox and Partners for a masterplanning project for the same area. The work is due to be finished in February 2011. The details are here.

Proposed amendment to the approved concept plan for the Barangaroo site are on exhibition until 10 September 2010. More detail is here.

A new local environmental plan has been approved for Bellingen Shire. The plan is available here.

Blacktown City Council has adopted a new contributions plan for the Riverstone West Precinct. Under this plan, contributions will be levied for water cycle management and traffic management facilities. A per hectare contribution of $138,423 for water cycle management and $392,324 for traffic management will be required under this plan. This is based on $60.6 million in required public land acquisition and works for a 115 hectare site. The plan can be accessed from here.

The NSW Department of Planning has awarded a $175,000 contract to J Wyndham Prince Pty Ltd for a water cycle management for the Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial precincts. Their work is scheduled to be completed by November 2010. More detail is available here.  The Department has also awarded a $274,000 contract to AECOM for masterplanning the Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial precincts. The work is to be completed by March 2011. More detail is here.

The Department of Planning and Coffs Harbour City Council have produced the Coffs Harbour City Centre Plan. The plan apparently caters for an additional 5,000 new residents and 2,000 new jobs over the next 25 years. The plan will be on public exhibition until 8 October. Further details can be accessed from here.

Harden Shire Council has a draft comprehensive local environmental plan on exhibition until 10 September 2010. More information here.

Hurstville City Council has released several discussion papers relating to land use zones as part of the planning process for a comprehensive local environmental plan. These papers focus on residential and commercial lands and will be on exhibition until 27 August. Further information available here.

A public notice has been published regarding compulsory land acquisition in Leppington. It is available here. The Daily Telegraph has reported that Leppington families will lose their acreages as a result of the compulsory acquisition efforts by the government in connection with the southwest rail link. The paper claims that land not used for the line may be sold to developers for apartment blocks and homes. The article is here.

Tony Abbott has reportedly promised to halt the construction of the Moorebank intermodal freight terminal if elected, in support of the Liberal candidate running in the marginal seat of Hughes in south-western Sydney. The terminal site was first identified by the Howard government in 2004 and has previously enjoyed bipartisan political support. The report is detailed here.

Moree Plains Shire Council is exhibiting a comprehensive local environmental and draft development control plan until 3 September 2010. The draft plans and fact sheets are available from here.

Parramatta City Council is exhibiting a planning proposal, draft development control plan and draft voluntary planning agreement for 2 Morton Street, Parramatta. The planning proposal outlines the intention to rezone the land to permit redevelopment for high-density residential development and some mixed use development. The draft DCP describes more detailed planning controls and the draft voluntary planning agreement provides for the dedication of foreshore land to council for public open space, the embellishment of the Parramatta River foreshore and a financial contribution towards a future pedestrian bridge across the Parramatta River. The proposal will be on public exhibition until 10 September 2010. Further information can be accessed from here.

Penrith City Council is exhibiting amendments to a development control plan for the Waterside estate. Apparently the DCP amendments reduce the landscaped open space requirement for single storey housing, facilitates terrace housing along the southern boundary, reduces the overall number of apartment dwellings within the estate and amends the masterplan. The draft plans will be on public exhibition until 1 September. More information is available here.

The NSW Department of Planning has awarded a $179,000 contract to J Wyndham Prince Pty Ltd for a Water Cycle Management study for Schofields. Their work is scheduled to be completed by March 2011. More detail is available here.

The Department of Planning is exhibiting a draft State environmental planning policy to list certain land at Gwandalan and Catherine Hill Bay on the South Wallarah Peninsula as a state significant site. The proposed SEPP will establish the zoning and planning controls for the site. More detail is here. A media release is here.

The NSW Department of Planning has awarded a $170,000 contract for a Southern Link Rd strategic transport assessment in the Western Sydney Employment Area to AECOM Australia. Their work is scheduled to be completed by October 2010. More detail is available here.

A new local environmental plan has been approved for Young Shire. The plan is available here

Wingecarribee Shire Council is exhibiting a draft section 94 contributions plan for the Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor. The draft plan will be available for inspection until 22 September 2010. The proposed contribution rate under the draft plan is $152,163 per hectare. Further information can be accessed from here.