29 September 2011
The Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, has used a mayoral minute to denounce efforts by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to force an increased floor space ratio (1.75:1 to 2.75:1) and height controls (35 metres to 60 metres) in the 17 hectare urban renewal site Ashmore Estate in Erskineville. This is an example of State intervention in local planning that eroded community confidence in the planning system, Ms Moore said. Ms Moores minute is here.
Boorowa Council has placed their draft comprehensive local environmental plan on exhibition (until 22 September). This LEP is generally a translation of the existing planning scheme into the standard template. The exhibition material is here.
Eurobodalla Shire Council has placed their draft comprehensive LEP on exhibition. Apparently this draft LEP has been prepared using the existing zones of the current LEPs and applied the Standard LEP zones on a ‘best-fit’ or ‘most appropriate’ basis. The LEP will be exhibited until 14 October 2011. The exhibition material can be accessed from here.
The NSW Government has purchased the former Ingleburn Army Camp site. The Government says that they will use the purchase to develop land for almost 3,000 new homes. The government says the acquisition will assist in the construction of the South West Rail Link as the proposed route passes through the site. This site is a component of Landcom’s Edmondson Park development. The Government media release is here.
The NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure has come under fire from Lane Cove Council. Local media reports that the Council is unhappy with the time that the Department is taking to determine their gateway application to amend their LEP to restrict urban development to a lower density form of housing in the Mowbray Rd precinct. The Council seems to be getting anxious as the Land and Environment Court recently approved two high-density housing developments in the area with more high density applications currently before the court. The council voted to approach Premier and Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and Lane Cove MP Anthony Roberts, to fast-track a strategic review of the area. The planning proposal documentation is here. A local media report is here.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has a number of draft amendments to local environmental plans, development control plans and voluntary planning agreements on exhibition. These relate to the new urban release areas of Thrumster, south-west Lake Cathie, Lakewood and Kew. The plans currently on exhibition may be accessed from here.
Plans for new residential development over the 465-hectare Schofields Precinct in the North West Growth Centre have been released. The Government says that once developed, the Schofields Precinct will be able to accommodate around 3,300 additional dwellings for a population of 9,560 people. The precinct will be supported by the new railway station at Schofields that is planned to open in late 2011. The proposed changes to allow urban development are on exhibition until 28 September 2011. The exhibition material can be accessed here.
Some residents in the Warringah local government area are unhappy with the proposal to rezone their land to an “E3 Environmental Management Zone”. The resident action group representing landowners are against the application of an environmental management zoning to parts of Oxford Falls, Belrose, Cromer, Ingleside, Terrey Hills and Frenchs Forest as they argue that the proposed zone could seriously affect the resale value of their properties and restrict land use. The Planning Minister, Brad Hazzard, has written to the Council suggesting that the planning for the area in question be deferred. In this way, the making of the comprehensive LEP could continue whilst allowing for further investigation of the E3 Environmental Management Zone. The Council reports on this matter can be accessed from here. The Council minutes here. The local media story is here.
Local media reports that a master plan to review the future of the White Bay Cruise Ship Terminal will be commissioned. The local media report is here and more information on the planning for White Bay can be accessed from here.