20 September 2010
For several years the City of Sydney has been reviewing their current plans. The Council now has a new draft local environmental plan (LEP) known as the “City Plan”. This plan integrates the planning controls following the amalgamation of Sydney City Council with South Sydney Council and part of Leichhardt Council.
Though these documents are yet to be officially exhibited, we are commencing our review in preparation for the official exhibition period. Once approval has been given by the Department of Planning to exhibit the draft plan, we understand that it will be exhibited for sixty days.
Our early review has revealed that floor-space ratios (FSRs) and building heights vary considerably within zones and between sites adding complexity to understanding. Furthermore it seems that:
- there is a reduced in FSR for residential development in the commercial core of Central Sydney;
- there is a limit on the size of out-of-centre retail development within the retail catchment of Green Square Town Centre;
- there is an extension of design excellence requirements to all land covered by the LEP;
- there are rules preventing many new one and two bedroom apartments from having car parking and limiting many three bedroom homes to only one car parking space; and
- there is a new zone: B8 Metropolitan Centre zone that applies only to the central business core of Sydney.
This LEP and supporting development control plan appear to be the most complex in NSW and we would welcome input and advice from members as we work towards a submission.
Copies of Council officer reports and supporting documentation, including the draft LEP and maps, can be accessed at item 7 on the Central Sydney Planning Committee Meeting Agenda for 9 September 2010, available from here.