10 GARDENS OF AUBURN BY LFD PROVIDE AN ACRE OF NEW GARDENS CLOSE TO AUBURN STATION Proposed seating area Proposed pits and OSD tank North Date Project 20171129 MC RL Job Number Drawn Checked Drawing Number Suite 201, 75 Archer St, Chatswood NSW 2067 Ph. (02) 9411 3279 www.groundink.com.au ABN 55 163 025 456 ACN 163 025 456 Landscape Architect Architect Developer Note Drawing Title 20 Feb 18 35 Northumberland Road, Auburn, NSW 2144 The Gardens of Auburn Rev A Drawing not intended for tender or construction. Verify all dimensions on site before commencing work. Report all discrepancies to Landscape Architect prior to construction. Figured dimensions to be taken in preference to scaled drawings. All work is to conform to relevant Australian standards and other codes as applicable. Dial before you dig. Location of underground services to be proven on site and protected if necessary prior to construction. Plant species and quantities shown are indicative only and are subject to change based on future project requirements. © Ground Ink Pty Ltd This design and drawing is protected by copyright. Issue Drawn Date Checked Description MC RL For Development Application A 20.2.18 ARC Architects 7/90 Pitt Street, Sydney T 61 (02) 9223 0280 http://www.arcarchitects.com.au/ /LQÀHOG'HYHORSPHQWV3W\/LPLWHG Suite 4, Level 24, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney T 61 (02) 8041 1683 KEY PLAN 05 06 Proposed shrubs LEGEND + EX 94.00 + RL 92.70 + FFL 92.70 3URSRVHGÀQLVKHGOHYHO )LQLVKHGÁRRUOHYHO Existing spot level Existing tree to be retained. Refer to existing tree plan LDA-02 Proposed tree. Refer to proposed tree plan LDA-03 Existing tree to be removed. Refer to existing tree plan LDA-02 Proposed pergola Proposed unit pavers to future detail Proposed turf Basement under Site boundary /'$ Scale 1:200 @ A1 (1:400 @ A3) 0 2 4 6 8 10M '(7$,//$1'6&$3(3/$1 06 05 8 6 3 5 2 4 7 1 9 1. Large exotic canopy trees providing shade and amenity for communal open spaces 2. Retention of large native canopy tree 3. 5DLVHGV\QWKHWLFWXUIDUHDSURYLGLQJÁH[LEOHORZPDLQWHQDQFHFRPPXQDO open space 4. Large, native canopy trees. Refer to proposed tree plan LDA-03 5. Medium-sized native tree 6. Pergola with potential BBQ and seating to activate communal open space 7. Watergum street tee (Tristaniopsis laurina) to reinforce the existing street tree character 8. Existing Melaleuca street trees to be retained and protected. 9. Cafe outdoor seating area B B SCALE: DATE: DRAWN: Architecture Plannin Level 7 90 Pitt Street S TEL (02) 92230280 F mail@arcarchitects.co KEY PLAN CLIENT: REVISION: 22/02/18 (A1) A PERSPECTIVE LO DA-703 NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD, AUBURN THE GARDENS OF AUBURN KWC CAPITAL PARTNERS + LINFIELD DEVELOPMENTS KEY PLA 0 LEGEN + EX 94.00 + RL 92.70 + FFL 92.70 0 1. Large exo open spac 2. Retention 3. 5DLVHGV\Q open spac 4. Large, nat 5. Medium-s 6. Pergola w space 7. Watergum street tree 8. 6PDOOÁRZ plan LDA- 9. Existing M 8 1 6 2 4 5 9 7 3 The Gardens of Auburn development includes six buildings distributed around two new landscaped parks. The buildings contain 530 apartments and 12 retail shops all within a floor space ratio of 3.6: 1. The gardens are over an area of 4,300 square metres and they will be accessible to the broader community as well as the residents. www.lfddev.com.au