5 KEY ENJOY THEIR LEISURE TIME When asked how they like to spend their leisure time there was a strong comment from Vertical Families in particular that they like to pack their weekend full of activities (66%). Most of the other apartment households were also keen on weekend activities. KEEN TO CONTINUE WITH APARTMENT LIVING The survey asked apartment dwellers what type of housing would they prefer in 3 years -time. The Solo Metros (55%) and the Cosmo Couples (50%) were keen to continue with apartment living. The alternative of townhouse living was an option for Vertical Families (28%) and for One-Parent Families (34%). Low density detached housing however was the preferred housing type for Vertical Families (39%) and One-Parent Families (39%). Group Households seem keen to continue with apartment living (42%). When you think about yourself compared to the broader community, do you find that you like to try the newest things? OPEN TO TRY NEW THINGS 61% 52% I keep up to date with the all of the latest trends and usually try new things / I am somewhat aware of the latest trends and try them where possible 39% 48% I like to stick with what I know but will try something new when I have to / I prefer to stick with what I know is comfortable and rarely try new things Thinking about your lifestyle and how you like to live, is it stability or flexibility that is your preference? LIFESTYLE STABILITY/FLEXIBILITY PREFERENCES Medium density housing Low density housing High density housing 4% 2% I’m constantly moving and don’t like being tied down 33% 22% I like having the flexibility to move when I want to but some stability is OK 41% 39% I prefer staying in the same place for a while but am open to moving when convenient... 22% 37% I prefer to live in the same place for as long as I can How do you like to spend your weekend / leisure time? LEISURE TIME In 3 years, what type of housing do you think you prefer to be living in? APARTMENT LIVING VERTICAL FAMILIES COSMO COUPLES SOLO METROPOLITES ONE-PARENT FAMILIES GROUP HOUSEHOLDS 33% 28% 39% 50% 23% 27% 55% 24% 21% 24% 34% 41% 42% 25% 33% 50% 23% 27% 55% 24% 21% 24% 34% 41% 42% 25% 33% VERTICAL FAMILIES COSMO COUPLES SOLO METROPOLITES ONE-PARENT FAMILIES GROUP HOUSEHOLDS 66% 34% KEY Relaxing Weekend Active Weekend 49% 51% 51% 49% 46% 54% 41% 59% KEY Low density housing (i.e. Detached house) High density housing (i.e. Unit or apartment)