Urban Taskforce | Governance



Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is elected by the members and oversees corporate policy, governance and financial management of the Urban Taskforce Australia.

The Executive Committee includes some of Australia’s leading property developers.

The Executive Committee members are:

  • Peter Daly 
    (Chairman) – Urban Taskforce
  • Allen Linz
    (Deputy Chairman) – Managing Director, Rebel Property Group
  • David Ghannoum
    (Deputy Chairman) – Regional Managing Director, Brookfield Multiplex 
  • David Tanevski
    (Hon.Secretary/Treasurer) – Managing Director, KWC Capital Partners

David Tanevski
Managing Director
KWC Capital Partners
(Hon. Secretary/Treasurer)

David Tanevski is a founding Director of the Urban Taskforce. As Managing Director of equity financier KWC Capital Partners, David is actively involved in all aspects of property development and structured finance.

KWC Capital Partners has over $3 billion worth of property development projects currently under advise. David has considerable experience in all stages of property development including financing, strategic planning, PPP’s and fund management.



Steering Committee

The Steering Committee focuses on public policy issues. The Steering Committee includes a mix of property developers and key experts in the areas of urban planning, law, construction and finance.

The Steering Committee members are:


  • Peter Daly
    Chairman, Urban Taskforce

Peter Daly B.E., M.I.E. Aust. (Ret.)

studied Electrical Engineering at Sydney University and, after graduation, worked in the profession for about 10 years. In 1971, he joined the then Stocks and holdings Ltd. public company working in the Commercial Division on shopping centre development.


Thereafter followed a career of 34 years with Stocks and Holdings – which later (1980) became the Stockland Trust Group via a corporate restructure.


During those 34 years, Peter worked in most facets of the business – which encompassed most forms of real estate development, ownership and management. This included land subdivision, home and apartment building, office, shopping centre and industrial development, ownership and management. He became Managing Director in 1990 and then subsequently Chairman in 2000.

Peter retired in 2005 and has since pursued personal property investment and development interests including several regional land subdivision developments.