31 March 2011
Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics today again show that Sydneys level of population growth is modest, according to the Urban Taskforce.
The Taskforces chief executive, Aaron Gadiel, said that of the state capitals, Perth grew at the fastest rate in 2009/2010 (2.3 per cent), followed by Melbourne (2 per cent) and Brisbane (1.9 per cent).
Sydney came fourth, with a growth rate of 1.7 per cent, Mr Gadiel said.
NSW also came fourth with a statewide growth rate of 1.5 per cent, trailing Western Australia (2.2 per cent), Queensland (2 per cent) and Victoria (1.8 per cent).
Its time to bury the myth of Sydneys population growth, Mr Gadiel said.
Sydneys not growing as rapidly as people believe.
Its just that governments have let Sydneysiders down.
A sense of congestion has been created by the absence of investment in major roads and public transport, as well as barriers to the supply of new homes and rules preventing new shopping precincts.
NSWs growth is sluggish compared with other states.
Even though Sydneys growth is moderate, as people have fled the city, the slack hasnt been picked up by regional NSW.
Instead people, jobs and housing have emerged elsewhere in the country.
If we want NSW to be successful we need to revive Sydney.
And if we want Sydneys achievements to be shared by the Hunter and the Illawarra, we need better road and rail links connecting these vital areas.”
The Urban Taskforce is a property development industry group, representing Australias most prominent property developers and equity financiers.
Note: NSW population growth league tables appear in the PDF below.