10 May 2010
The Department of Planning has informally circulated a discussion paper on the planning of riparian corridors in urban areas.
This paper is primarily concerned with funding options for the acquiring and maintenance of riparian land. The paper makes it clear that changes to the Act that relate to local council development contributions explicitly exclude the use of levies to acquire and maintain riparian land, unless such land is used for public purpose.
The paper then raises the possibility of other funding and ownership options. These include private ownership, community title, council and state ownership. The paper does not go into any great detail, but makes some brief comment on positives and negatives with each option.
The paper means that council may be able to obtain (own) riparian land such as the use of planning agreements, but makes it clear that if the council does obtain ownership of such land, it must consider ongoing maintenance cost and that traditional means to fund this (development levies) are no longer available. The paper suggests that council may need to consider special rates under Local Government Act as a funding source.
It is expected that this paper will be formally exhibited (possibly with modifications) in the near future. In the meantime the draft that has been informally circulated is available here.
Please contact us if you have any suggestions about the Urban Taskforce’s response.